Programming Troubleshooting

Strange characters in Visual Studio code editor

Do you see any strange dots and/or arrows in the Visual Studio code editor and have no idea how you turned them on? (check the screen-shot)

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Infected with a Trojan

  1. Do you see one or more of the following files getting created in the root of every drive you access?:
Programming Troubleshooting

Resetting membership password when the user has forgotton the answer for the security question!

Here is the scenario… a web application has been implemented with the standard user management features… can create new users, the admin approves the users, can recover passwords and change security question + answer bla bla bla

What happens if a user forgets the password?… simple, just goto the password recovery page and answer the security question and get the new password in the email.

But what if he/she doesn’t remember the answer for the security question???


Error message doesn’t make sense? check the service packs

Just the other day, the guys told me “This is weird, the same form works in one PC and throws an exception in another”.

We thought it is something to do with the default culture set in the PC (it was dutch). But the culprit seemed to be the SQL query used. But how come the same SQL query with the same database works in one PC + SQL server and throws an exception in another PC + SQL server? (the databases are identical)